Au Pair Austria
ANDAR POR EL MUNDO cuenta con un excelente convenio de cooperación internacional, con la agencia más importante de este gran destino europeo, por lo que a continuación podrás encontrar toda la información del programa:
Conditions for AuPair in Austria:
Age between 18 and 27 years.
Reasonable German skills, proof of minimum.
Experiences in childminding and in household chores.
Duties of Au Pairs:
Working hours 20 - 25 per week
Additional 3 x babysitting in the evening when the children are sleeping.
The Visa cost must be paid by the Au Pair – about € 160,-
The aupair has to pay the insurance, about € 60/per month.
The aupair has to attend minimum 1 German class within the first 6 months.
The Au Pair Gets:
€ 530,- per month salary
The first German course is paid half by the family half by the aupair, all other German classes are to be paid by the aupair.
The aupair gets an own room.
Free Full board and lodging.
Minimum 1 day off per week.
5 weeks paid holiday in one year.
Some Tips for the application:
Send us the complete application.
The Austrian Au Pair program ist he best in the world. It is also very expensive for the families.
We ask our Au Pair to be very flexible.
Following criteria have to be fullfilled
We ask the Au Pair to be willing to take care of minimum 2 children. If the family has 3 children but minimum one of them is already in the school, the family is treated as a family with 2 children.
We will deny any application who only wants to be place din Vienna.
The family must respect the Au Pairs rights, but anyway, the aupair hasto be flexible as well.
Checklist for the application:
Questionnaire filled in in German or English,
Medical certificate,
2 childcarereferences translated into German or English,
1 character reference translated into German or English,
5-6 Pictures if possible only with children.
Dear family letter in German or English with the description of the experience with children.
Proof of your German skills – certificate from a language school, university or high school.
Copy of the passport, certain nationalities must have a biometric passport in case, the Au Pair has already been aupair in Germany or other country, we need the reference from the former host family, and the copy oft he residence permit in that country.
Why Apply with Au Pair Austria?
Our families are well screened and they follow the rules oft he Austrian aupair program. They respect the program as a cultural exchange program and offer the Au Pair very good conditions.
We as the Austrian agency assist our Au Pairs and the families in any situation.
Emergency line,
Au Pair-Meetings,
Au Pair-ecursions,
Wir helfen dir gerne und haben Verständnis für deine Fragen und Probleme. Die Familie muss deine.
Rechte wahren und zu dir freundlich und höflich sein. Aber wenn wir das Gefühl haben, dass es dir nur um Minuten geht und du nicht bereit bist, der Familie deine Hilfe anzubieten, wenn sie es braucht, dann wird es sehr schwierig. Ich hoffe, du verstehst was wir meinen.